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  "这是第一个全面概述为接受体外受精的夫妇提供的所有干预措施的研究,以帮助我们确定进行胚胎移植的最佳做法。" 来自UCL妇女健康研究所和UCLH生殖医学组的主要作者Bassel Al Wattar博士说。

  体外受精涉及将受精卵移植到子宫内,尽管有经验证据,但经常提供许多 "额外 "的东西以促进子宫内膜的耐受性或帮助植入。除了卧床休息,该研究还评估了其他37种临床干预措施的有效性,包括药物支持、针灸和积极思维技巧。服用阿托西班使成功怀孕的机会增加了49%,与胚胎移植期间的超声支持或宫内输注激素hCG相似,分别提高了27%和23%。


  Al Wattar博士承认了这一点,他说:"虽然目前这些额外干预措施的证据仍然不精确,但在进一步研究评估其有效性和安全性之前,不应常规地提供给所有接受体外受精的夫妇"。此外,作者建议,在进行精心设计的随机对照试验之前,不要在临床上结合使用新的和实验性的技术,如子宫内膜刮除术。




  In a meta-analysis of 188 randomized controlled trials containing 59,000 participants, researchers across the United Kingdom analyzed the safety and science of clinical interventions designed to improve embryo transfer success rates. In six of the trials, the implementation of bed rest [defined as resting for more than 20 minutes after embryo transfer] reduced clinical pregnancy rates by 15%. These data provide support for the guidelines issued by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, which discourage this practice.

  This is the first study to comprehensively describe all the interventions offered to couples undergoing IVF to help us decide what is best practice when performing embryo transfer.

  During in vitro fertilization, fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus and many "add-ons" are offered to aid endometrial receptivity or encourage implantation, but often without empirical evidence. Administration of atosiban increased the chance of successful pregnancy by 49%, similar to the use of ultrasound guidance for embryo transfer or intrauterine infusion of hCG hormone, which provided improvements of 27% and 23%, respectively.

  However, a major limitation of the study is that the findings rely on academically available data, which often leads to publication bias effects that may overstate the importance of certain interventions.

  Dr. Al Wattar acknowledges this point, saying, "Although the current evidence for these additional interventions remains imprecise, they should not be offered routinely to all couples receiving IVF until further studies have assessed their effectiveness and safety. In addition, the authors discourage the inclusion of new and experimental techniques, such as endometrial curettage, in the clinic until well-designed randomized controlled trials are available.

  The study was published in Human Reproduction Update.


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